In 2009, Uptown held its first community-wide consensus-building planning process, resulting in the 2009 Uptown Vision Plan. This document articulated priorities for future Uptown development, balancing community needs and marketplace realities, and set the stage for increased attention and interest in the neighborhood.
Many of the findings of the Uptown Vision Plan laid the groundwork for the Uptown/West Oakland EcoInnovation District Plan, which was formally adopted by Planning Commission in 2017. This plan, led by the City with strong community input, took a more comprehensive approach to analyze current conditions in Uptown, realizing the neighborhood’s potential, and proscribing steps to create a revitalized community with a distinct equity focus.
A lens by which all performance areas, such as health, wellbeing, and safety, ability to remain and thrive in the community, accessible mobility, public/open space, access to employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, etc. will be measured.