Uptown Residents
The Uptown neighborhood is located between the two largest economic activity centers in the city: Oakland and Downtown Pittsburgh. It is the 1.5 mile stretch that comprises an eclectic mix of old time residents, university students, artists, tech startups, non-profits and wholesale companies including Duquesne University, UPMC Mercy Hospital, and PPG Paints Arena. It is this versatility which has ensured the stability and recent growth of the Uptown community as a prime location for investment and future development.
Many creatives have settled in the neighborhood, repurposing warehouses and vacant buildings for unusual live-work spaces. Musicians, painters, sculptors, architects, photographers, graphic designers, writers and more bring an energetic spirit to the neighborhood.

Residents enjoy the neighborhood’s great walkability and close proximity to Downtown, the Greater Hill District, Oakland and the South Side, as well as major entertainment, educational and medical destinations. An exceptional asset–the region’s most robust public transit system–runs through the Fifth/Forbes corridor, connecting the uniquely rich employment centers of Oakland and Downtown.
As the community becomes cleaner, greener, and safer, our resident base continues to grow. Over the past few years, nearly 300 units of new affordable and market-rate apartments have been built and some 30 small-scale home rehabs have added new energy. At least another 450 additional rental units and several for-sale homes were planned for 2020-2021. With “retail following rooftops,” retailers are recognizing the potential to succeed in Uptown and are exploring the marketplace with increased interest.
Uptown residents are progressively committed to community engagement and joining the effort to advance responsible development and programs that benefit the neighborhood. The Uptown EcoInnovation District Plan is the community’s guidepost to carry through on a host of recommendations to significantly improve all aspects of residential life—from air quality and open space to pedestrian safety, affordable housing job opportunities, and more. This “bottom-up” approach to revitalization ensures that our community’s growth benefits all.
Programs and Initiatives for Residents
Here are some programs and initiatives that are available to you!
Tree Tender Volunteer Program: Tree tenders are volunteers who assist their communities with tree plantings, pruning, general tree maintenance, and advocacy for new trees and the protection of existing trees.
Tustin Street Community Gardens: This community garden at 2021 Tustin Street includes 10 raised beds and is available to Uptown residents.
MLK Community Garden: Located on the northern border of Uptown at the former MLK ball-field, MLK Garden allows any individual to rent or adopt one of its garden beds!
Safe Streets Uptown (SSU): SSU is a bi-monthly public safety meeting, which provides residents the opportunity to present and discuss safety concerns with Pittsburgh Police and other safety officials. Meetings are held in January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Uptown Real Estate, Design, and Development Committee: The (REDD) Committee is comprised of experts in real estate, urban design, sustainability, mobility, and development, Uptown Partners (UP) board members, and Uptown residents who provide design review for proposed projects and shape UP strategic direction for revitalization efforts in the neighborhood. All projects are reviewed for their compatibility with the Uptown EcoInnovation District Plan and P4 Metrics.
Monthly Food Distributions: In Partnership with Pittsburgh Community Services Inc. Uptown Partners is resuming monthly food box distributions for Uptown Residents. Food box deliveries take place biweekly. To sign up to receive a food box please complete this form.
Uptown Street Stewards: Uptown Street Stewards is an Uptown Partners program where residents can volunteer their time and adopt a block in Uptown to pick up litter once per week and help beautify the neighborhood.
Note! We send a newsletter to Uptown residents on important neighborhood meetings, events, and news. Please email djohnson@uptownpartners.org if you would like to be added.
Resources for Residents
NeighborWorks Western PA Homebuyer Resources
URA Resources for Homeownership
Refuse & Recycling Schedule
Uptown Partners Community Engagement & Communications Plan
Moving through the Corridor
The Fifth/Forbes Avenue Corridor is possibly the most well-traveled public transit route in the Pittsburgh region. The following Port Authority Bus routes serve inbound stops along Fifth Avenue and outbound stops along Forbes Avenue:
61A East Pittsburgh-Wilkinsburg
The following routes serve nearby inbound and outbound stops along Centre Avenue: