
The Uptown community is eager to attract quality developers and meaningful projects. Plans of scale should be compatible with the community’s vision represented in the Uptown EcoInnovation District Plan. Meeting with Uptown Partners’ Real Estate, Design, and Development Review Committee is one step in the community’s approval process. Another may be a presentation to the community at large or to the Uptown Task Force, a diverse group of stakeholders committed to advancing the Uptown EcoInnovation District Plan.
Uptown Partners will be a booster for development projects from early stages through completion, as developers navigate the City’s approval processes, such as Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment, if variances are needed.
We encourage potential developers to review the vision, goals, and strategies in the Uptown EcoInnovation (EID) plan to understand the criteria and goals the City of Pittsburgh Planning staff and Planning Commission will use when reviewing new development projects. Here is the Uptown EID Development Guide, a summary document for specific development goals desired from the EID Plan. These reflect the comprehensive revitalization goals of the Uptown community and more details can be found in the Uptown EcoInnovation District Plan.
Through a unique point system learn how new zoning guidelines of the Uptown Public Realm District can improve developers’ bottom lines (allowing additional height) while ensuring equitable housing options, sustainable building design, and desired density for the neighborhood.
If you have a project in mind, we strongly recommend reaching out to Uptown Partners to set up an initial meeting where we can help you navigate our community review process and schedule for you to present at the City Planning’s Development Action Meeting (DAM). Contact Mikayla Scheckler at See below for previous DAM video recordings and short summaries of projects in the Uptown neighborhood.
DAM Recordings & Summaries of Uptown involved projects.
December 2024 – Demolition of Building Structures, 1634 & 1636 Fifth Ave. – This demolition requires Planning Commission approval and the current request is to demolish all structures and miscellaneous items by Stough Development.
October 2024 – Demolition and Removal of Brick Structure, 1334 5th Ave. – Uptown Partners first heard of this project in May of 2023. They do not approve of surface parking lots being created in the community, and are dedicated to protecting the corridor for any further demolitions. Extension of the parking lot also violates the Uptown Public Realm zoning code. In summary, they do not support this project. The Hill District Collaborative defers to Uptown Partners’ rejection of this project. The Hill CDC determined more work was needed to align the project with the Greater Hill District Master Plan. A follow-up conversation is scheduled for December 2024. The Hill CDC only endorses projects that have completed this process.
September 2024 – 304 Jumonville Street – Uptown Partners presented a background of the organization and is supportive of this development, after a series of meetings and engagement with the developer. The Hill District Consensus Group also presented a background of the organization. and Executive Director, Ms. Carol, has met with the developer and is in support of the project. The Hill District Collaborative also presented a background of the organization but have not engaged with developer to the knowledge of the presenter. The Hill CDC also presented a background of the organization and stated the project has not completed the DRP. The project was submitted on Sept 12th, and the Hill CDC may vote as early as Nov 21st. Hill CDC will only give support after DRP process has been complete.
February 2024 – Fisher Hall Bridge Renovation, Duquesne University – Duquesne University and LGA submitted necessary files to have a meeting with the UP Real Estate Design and Development (REDD) Committee on January 11, 2024. REDD Committee meeting for the project was held on January 23rd and a subsequent virtual vote was held on the project. Members of the REDD Committee supported the project, and a letter of support was sent to Uptown Partners’ Board of Directors. The Board of Directors are set to vote on the project in the coming weeks. At this time, there is no opposition to the project once that time comes about.
October 2023 – 605 Forbes Ave, Uptown Mural-Neighborhood Gateway Sign – Talks have been taking place between Duquesne Light Company and Uptown Partners since the late 2010s/early 2020s about a mural to depict the changing environment of Uptown at 605 Forbes Ave. An RFP process occurred between July 20, 2021 to August 20, 2021. Close to 30 applications were received and an agreement was signed May 15, 2022 between Uptown Partners and the artist selected by the Uptown Arts Committee. After a notice posted on the physical location in March 2023, DLC and UP presented at the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The decision allowed the mural to remain at the physical location without alteration. As a party that commissioned the project, Uptown Partners has and will continue to support the mural.
July 2023 – 1505 Fifth Avenue – Uptown Partners and the Real Estate and Development committee does not support this project. UP and REDD do not support demolition with no plans for redevelopment. Additionally, Uptown is zoned as a Public Realm and demolition along on Fifth Avenue is not allowed. The committee offered to intervene with the City in response to fines if the developer proposed to sell the property and avoid demolition.
June 2023 – Standard on Fifth – Beacon Communities completed Uptown Partner’s engagement process and will be receiving an official letter of support. Uptown Partners is also a partner on the project.
May 2023 – Demolition of 1334 Fifth Ave. – Uptown Partners mentioned the community’s problem with surface parking lots being created in the community. The organization sought Uptown Public Realm to protect this corridor from further demolitions. Uptown Partners of Pittsburgh will not be supporting this demolition.
May 2023 – 1625 Forbes, Phoenix on Forbes – Uptown Partners believes GSX Ventures will be good partners as they have addressed the organization’s concerns.
May 2023 – New Lot at Fifth Ave/Kirkpatrick St. – Uptown Partners is supported of the lot to provide the residents on Fifth Ave with parking.
April 2023 – 2114 Tustin St. – Construction of new private home, for the Merante family [owners of Merante Bros. Market on Marion St.], under city’s new zoning ordinance. Hill District RCOs believed project didn’t need a formal review.
February 2023** – 1718 Fifth Ave, Multi-Unit Residential – Uptown Partners has given the applicant feedback (design, affordability, retail space, demolition of existing structures) which were all concerns that have been addressed, and Uptown Partners plans to provide letter of support with conditions from prior discussions. **no video recording could be found, just the meeting report summary.
January 2023 – 1903 Fifth Avenue, Mixed Use-Multi-Unit and the demolition of the Colwell St. garage – Uptown Partners unanimously supports project.
October 2022 – Jubilee Kitchen – Uptown Partners unanimously supports project if lighting issues are addressed and committed to.
Review the REDD Review Protocol. This document lays out the steps to Uptown’s review process.
Uptown Development Pipeline
Uptown Completed Developments
Resources for Developers
2019 Pittsburgh Zoning & Planning Fee Schedule
PA Keystone Innovation Zone Tax Credit Program
URA Resources for Developers
Facade Improvement Programs
Uptown Public Realm District