Fast Facts
Uptown Partners serves Uptown, the area bounded by Crosstown Boulevard to the West, Birmingham Bridge to the East, Boulevard of the Allies to the South, and Colwell Street to the North. This area is slightly larger than the City of Pittsburgh’s definition of the “Bluff” neighborhood; its boundaries are based on natural edges. Uptown Partners does not observe Uptown’s edges as limits and it works closely with like organizations in adjacent neighborhoods to leverage development opportunities. Uptown is one of several neighborhoods in the Greater Hill District.
Population: Approximately 5,882 residents which includes Duquesne University and Allegheny County Jail (Source).
Area: 0.33 Square Miles
- White 61.0%
- African American 32.2%
- Asian 2.1%
- American Indian and Alaska Native 0.6%
- Hispanic or Latino 5.6%
Total number of units: 480 (margin of error +/- 42)
Occupied 322 Units (margin of error +/- 57)
Vacant 158 Units 32.9% (margin of error +/- 52)
Owner Occupied 17.4% (Margin of error +/- 29)
Renter Occupied 82.6% (Margin of error +/- 53)
• Median Household Income $23,603
• Median Occupied Home Value $137,500
*Data was retrieved from the 2020 Census, 2015-2019 American Community Survey, and the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
You can explore this data more on the website. Keep in mind that some data may have large margins of error. This could be due to households not completing the 2020 Census in the area; City and County efforts resulted in a 72% Census Self-Response Rate. Additional information can be found on the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center website.
For reference the Bluff’s (Uptown’s) Census Tract numbers are 103, 103.1 and 103.2. Uptown had a self response rate of approximately 45.6%.
Higher self-response rates mean fewer people are likely to be missed or counted inaccurately and fewer households will have a visit from a census taker to be counted in-person. It also means this tract has a better chance at receiving its fair share of services and political representation. (Source).